Are you ready to unlock the fastest cowriter on the market?
Write Content Faster With the ChatGPT Blogging Blueprint!

Value: $2450

Join today for only $197!

How can ChatGPT help?

Hey there! 

I'm Nina, a multi-6-figure blogger and AI obsessor (seriously, my accountant is gonna block my credit cards if I buy one more AI writer ). 


One of the biggest challenges for bloggers is that they have NO TIME to write the content they need.

Google loves long-form, high quality content. That means hours of research, more hours of writing, more hours of editing, and EVEN MORE hours of formating.

Are you tired just thinking about it?? I know I am!

That's where ChatGPT comes in. It's an AI writer that levels the playing field and gives you your life back.

Finally you can compete with the big name bloggers with massive teams of writers who work full-time and don't have kids.

I've been able to quit my job thanks to AI writers. Seriously! I was able to grow my blog to $10k/mo with an AI writer while I worked 4 jobs. I could NEVER have done that without AI.

Is this you:

 Do you have too many ideas for keywords and blog posts that languish in a spreadsheet?

 Do you burn out halfway through a blog post and just half-ass the rest? 

Are you dying to get more traffic to your blog, but can't find the time to write them? 

More Quality Content = More Engagement =
More $$$

Imagine publishing 10x blog posts per month while getting time back to do what you love!

You can do it all without needing to hire a team of writers and become a full-time manager.

I hired 40 writers in January and regretted it. I have so much fun writing with AI and I can produce better content.

I can give ChatGPT my experience, training, and content plan, and get an article that's ready to publish in an hour! 

No waiting months for writers to finish their post, only for it to need to be completely rewritten. 

Fill your site with high-quality, SEO optimized content ASAP with ChatGPT so you can start monetizing your dreams! 

You need posts to make money

On average, new bloggers need 140 posts to get into Mediavine

 Successful affiliate bloggers have dozens of posts on one area for topical authority

Get more content WITHOUT hiring a team!

Hi, I'm Nina.  SEO blogging expert.

In just 6 months, I took my travel blog from 6k to 50,000 sessions. 

I did this while working 4 jobs with the help of an AI writer:

Before ChatGPT was a viral news sensation (and back when other SEOs were telling me I was doomed for failure), I used AI to 10x my content creation.

I unlocked my AI cowriter to scale my output to over 70k words per week! 

Now I can write and publish full content pillars in a month! 

I'm teaching you my secrets so you can unlock your own AI copywriter and fast forward your monetization journey.

What You'll Get with the ChatGPT Blogging Blueprint

 350+ ChatGPT Prompt Library specifically built for bloggers

 My exact prompts and workflow for writing SEO optimized blog posts - from brainstorming to final edits

 Customizable AI commands to write entire blog posts & more!

  • What AI writers does this work with?
    This course is specifically made for ChatGPT. You can use these prompts and workflows on other AI Chatbots but may not have the same results.
  • Do you need the paid GPT4 or is the free 3.5 one ok?
    I highly recommend the paid option. It's $20/mo.
    However, if you really can't afford it, I offer work arounds in the course for the free plan, but I do note the differences and limitations regularly.
    You'll have the best outcomes with the paid plan.
  • Will this be updated?
    I update my courses once a year if a major development comes out that changes their effectiveness or operation.
    You will get access to all future updates if you purchase the course. I'm a big believer in LTDs :)
  • Do you offer refunds?
    Due to the digital nature of the course, no refunds are offered. There is no refund period or money-back guarantee.
    If you have any issues with the course and suggestions for improvements, please email for assistance.
    There is also no custom support offered with this course or free coaching.
  • ChatGPT isn't working right, can I ask you to fix it?
    Sorry, I don't work for ChatGPT or any other AI writer. I'm a user like you. If you have issues with your account or the writer's functions, please contact their support department.
    The same goes for any Thrivecart general issues, like it being down for an hour.
  • With these prompts, I can run the commands without editing and rank on Google, right?
    Nope! These prompts still require proper SEO research, EEAT signals, keyword usage, and editing to be publishable blog posts. You won't want to just run a single command with 0 editing and hit publish. Remember that AI writers are writers, not SEO experts or editors.
    They need guidance - just like any beginner freelancer. You'll also want to fact check information and likely add a couple tidbits of personal experience if you didn't include them in the commands.
    The more you use AI, the less you'll need to edit as you'll figure out the right prompt engineering style for your tone. I greatly reduce the need for editing with what I'm teaching you, but 100% you will need to edit.
  • Does this cover digital products or social media?
    Yes, but only in the prompts library. The actual workflow of the course is focused on writing blog posts.
  • Is this the same as your Jasper course?
    Nope! Chatbots require a completely different workflow. Even if you've taken my Jasper course, you'll get 100% new information in this course.
  • Which AI writer is best? (aka. Jasper vs. ChatGPT)
    I use a variety of AI writers for different things. They have very different things they're best at.
    ChatGPT Plus/4 is my favourite for newsletters, research, and rewriting/repurposing content.
    I do write blog posts with it, but more often I rewrite 1-click AI outputs or bad submissions from writers right now.
    Jasper is way better for writing with and for writing long form content like books. I especially love Jasper for writing affiliate posts. I find ChatGPT much more frustrating for writing those.
    Ultimately it'll depend on your use cases and your specific workflow for which suits your needs best.
    All AI need good prompts to work properly. If all of them are failing you, unfortunately you are likely the problem.

Value = $2450

Join today for only $197!

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ChatGPT Blogging Blueprint$197

  • Total payment
  • 1xChatGPT Blogging Blueprint$197

All prices in USD


Thank you to Rachel Grenis and Fiona Boyle for your testimonials!